METARs Downloader accesses METAR weather data for over 7,000 locations worldwide, the data retrieved can be used in several ways, as an overlay for a web cam, uploaded in a text file or as .gif images to be included on a page on the Internet, and, or to create charts showing Temperature, Dew Point, Heat Index, Visibility, Barometer, Wind, Wind Direction, Sky, Ceiling and Humidity readings which can be uploaded to be included in a page on the Internet.
The program is a handy tool for anyone interested in watching weather trends for sites around the world or in their own back yard. Add extra information to your web site or web cam with this software. Also fishermen and hunters can benefit by knowing where the temperature and barometer is headed.
These are just a few uses for METARs Downloader. Updating the Metar data and your site is easy, just set the scheduler for how often you want the update, uploads done, every 30 to 360 minutes, and METARs Downloader does the rest.